DIACONATE MINISTRY: To care for our church family and pastor of the Branches Runn Baptist Church; to lead by exampling Christ; to partner with our pastor and the people in kingdom building thru the Branches Runn Baptist Church
TRUSTEE MINISTRY: To example Christ thru supporting the Pastor and Diaconate of the Branches Runn Baptist church by: caring and overseeing the care of church owned properties; to communicate the Branches Runn Baptist Church mandates to outside vendors, and legal entities; to inform and advice the Pastor and Diaconate of impending problems and potentials concerning said physical and structural possessions.
YOUTH MINISTRY: To interact with and lead youth by exampling Christ; to work with the Pastor and Diaconate to bring effective communications and direction to the youth.
BEAUTIFICATION MINISTRY: Our mission is to worship, serve, assist and share Christ's love throughout our community with all people. We are committed to beautifying the interior and exterior of our place of worship.
USHER MINISTRY: Our mission is to serve God and the church with a pure heart, clean hands and a breath that will not be offensive to those that we usher into the house of the Lord. Our vision is to be chosen doorkeepers in the house of the Lord; that display the joy of the Lord!
INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY: To intercede thru prayer for our church, community, country and the world.
COUPLES MINISTRY: Our mission is to create and/or facilitate opportunities for couples to enhance their marriages through godly principles. Our vision is to be an encouraging, engaging, exciting resource for couples.
MISSIONARY MINISTRY: Our mission is to be dedicated in studying the needs of our community and through prayer moving to help in any way we can.
HOSPITALITY MINISTRY: Our mission is to create, coordinate and nurture an aroma of love, kindness, fellowship and excitement at various church functions and in the community through faithfulness, friendliness and food.
PRAISE TEAM MINISTRY: Our mission is to lift up the name of Jesus thru song; engaging the mind, body and soul in authentic worship to God; to support our fellowship in offering to God sincere thanks, vibrant praise, and intimate worship that welcomes the Holy Spirit, magnifies the Lord Jesus, and glorifies the Father.